Jan 31, 2007

the green man and current observations

photos by: Ryan, with my new camera

stewie is the neighbour's spectacled parrotlet. he is a wild man. doesnt bite as much as blueberry and likes to stay up late. he is not as snuggly as the blue, and he doesnt seem to like scratching or petting. 2 thumbs up for parrotlets. hooray?

currently listening to:
a nice mixed bag cd of ligeti, penderecki, and varese...and some new ryan songs....mooo ah ah ah

food o the week: soup! (i have been sick n tired all week)

current favorite inanimate (sp) object: my new "to go" mug. porcelin, not metal or plastic. tea is oh so delicious and oh so much more environmentally friendly in the morning on my way to workie-times.

nighty night

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