May 29, 2010

these are a few of my favorite things...fading... by field and sea...

riding 2 wheeled motorized machines is fun...but a limited life-time warranty.

beers in the sun in victoria is the best time ever...the stonehouse, spinakers, the canoe club.

It didn't rain on us and I got to see my favorite friends mononononeca and gregory, deano and JTP, RRF, dayn and julie, georgie boy.

now they all abandoned me back to their far away homes.

May 13, 2010

end of an era

there's been some extreme changes in gastown recently...namely woodward's.

apparently Met Home is about to move out of the neighbourhood too....sad day...what a beautiful store filled with beautiful mid century modern furniture to browse on a lunch break.

May 6, 2010


nice work mononononeca! this video is nicely paced and I really enjoy the subject matter. agreed? anybody else want that popcorn maker?

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May 4, 2010

let the good times roll

oh summer time and fires!
is this a haiku?
I am not following rules...