Aug 21, 2008

Nice Goat

that's my buddy at Stanley Park. He is just like a dog - whenever I would stop scratching, he would lean on me and nudge me with his head for more scratches.

Aug 12, 2008

Birthday times

It's my birthday. hooray.

I am making brunch for my family as I am the best cook.

My sister and her 2 kids are visiting from Ontario. Family times!

I wonder what kind of presents I will get? I am one of those people who actually likes their birthdays. I love presents and an excuse to hang out with all my friends.

I had a picnic on Sunday with all the friends. Those of you who came, thanks!

Have you seen this?

Aug 3, 2008

summer lull

what can I say?

I am going back to Sask to do some more cabin work. stain the deck!

Naramata for my friend's wedding. I think I am going to play cello at it, there will be a champagne/bocce reception to follow. wicked!

My sister and her 2 kids are coming to visit. Intense family times are upon us.

Ryan and I have been rehearsing the new album. we have a rad drummer.

I could use a little more park time on a blanket....maybe today?